Business Records

Are you ready to start getting your information organized? If so, there has never been a better time to join the Facts of Life Book Course and Community. The course launches in January of 2023 and right now you can lock in a guarantee of lifetime access for the lowest price ever! Join now to get in on all the goodness that's coming.

Owning a small business can give you full control of your own life. However, it also means - especially if you are solopreneur - that you're the financial officer, IT person, and even the janitor for your own company. In The Facts of Life Book Course and Community you will get support to organize all of your important business information.

Gathering business records

Your business is a living, breathing entity. You will have a variety of records that you need to keep depending on the type and structure of your business. Here are some typical resources people like to have available as a part of their Facts of Life Book.

    • Business Incorporation Documents

    • Business Plan

    • Budget

    • Banking and Financial Account Information

    • Client References (letters, videos, etc.)

    • Business Loan and Financing Information

    • Employer Identification and other registration numbers (e.g. EIN, DUNS, etc.)

    • Earned business certifications (minority owned business, woman owned business, etc.)


In the Facts of Life Course and Community, you'll gain access to carefully curated and evaluated resources including web sites, tools, books, and more to help you gain more knowledge and information in areas that might be particularly important to you. Here on the website, I share just a few of my favorites for each major topic.

  • The U.S. Small Business Association offers a variety of helpful online tools, including how to create your business plan.

  • Important documents have a different "shelf life". The time you need to keep some business records differs from how long you need to keep personal records. Keep this site from the IRS handy to know how long to keep items from the IRS.